

Contributi del CCIOMS al meeting annuale del WHO-FIC Nertwork

Grouping Body Functions (BF) and Activity and Participation (AP) categories in children functioning assessment: a new core set or some ontologic suggestions? - WHO-FIC NAM 2014

How to expand ICF Environmental Factors (EF) starting from ISO-9999 Classification: toward a "hybrid" standard terminology? - WHO-FIC NAM 2014

How to describe the workplace using and expanding the Environmental Factors component of the ICF: the first version of the "Workplace assessment schedule" - WHO-FIC NAM 2014

To kill two birds with one stone: how to automatically combine standard terminologies and nomenclatures with ICF Environmental Factors in epidemiological studies - WHO-FIC NAM 2014

ICF-SNOMED CT Harmonization a gap analysis - WHO-FIC NAM 2013

The ICF mountain and a tiny little mouse: a preliminary literature review on how ICF data are collected and statistically analysed - WHO-FIC NAM 2012

Using the ICF to assess and promote inclusive education in Italy: a bottom-up approach for defining national recommendations - WHO-FIC NAM 2012

Using the ICF framework for collecting information on the barriers to inclusion in children in the Republic of Kosovo. Design and preliminary results - WHO-FIC NAM 2012

Implementation plan for an ICF based disability surveillance system in Egypt - WHO-FIC NAM 2012

The infographic Family of Functioning Indicators (FaFI)